
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1, 2015: Do It Anyway

After a week off from exercise due to Thanksgiving and travel, I'm back in the gym (or the basement in this case). It was actually a little hard for me to finally get going today. This scared me a little. I had had periods of time in my life where I was very motivated with exercise and fitness. Then something would happen in my life to distract me for a few days from working out and then my motivation would just trail off.

However, I came across a great article by James Clear in my e-mail (I am a subscriber to his e-mail list). The article is called How to Stay Focused When You Get Bored Working Toward Your Goals. I felt like he wrote this article for me on this very day! Here are just a few of the most important points I got out of the article.

First, he discusses that the top performers show up even when the work is boring because it is something they've done before. One of the things that separates the best from the rest is being able to sustain effort even when they're not feeling the passion that maybe initially got them moving towards world-class performance.

Next, people who consistently achieve their goals and continue to do so are committed to the process of achievement - not just the goal itself. For example, with my current goal setting system I am learning to love the methods I am using to reach my goals, and also creating the habit of setting new goals right away when I achieve one. I've also come to really enjoy certain exercises that I didn't before - although I'm still not loving the front squat.

Finally, he alludes to the "10 years of silence" that world class performers go through before they reach the top. This is the famous 10,000 hours of deliberate practice that the top performers do before they become truly the best in their field. The realization that getting really good at anything takes time can be both a burden and a blessing. However, the way I see it, it gives me permission to be patient with myself.

In conclusion, today I wasn't feeling super excited about working out. However, I did it anyway. God bless you!

December 1, 2015 Workout

Time of Workout: 10:45 AM

Warm-up: 10 minutes
I thought I'd try something different. It worked out pretty well, although I will continue to experiment with different warm-up routines.

Bodyweight Squat: 5 reps x 3 sets

Back Squat:
1. 45 x 5
2. 55 x 5
3. 75 x 5
4. 95 x 5

I felt pretty good with my depth and positioning, but the bar didn't feel great a little higher on my back. Also, as this was my first workout in a week, I decided to keep the weight where it was.

I rested for about 3 minutes, then
4 rounds 3-minute Boxing with 1 min. rest between rounds

This was very hard for me. I think part of this has to do with the squats I just did, but I just need to build up my stamina for bag work again. From a technical standpoint, I did okay. I need to keep my hands up a little more, but my punches were strong and my combinations were crisp. As my conditioning increases, I want to continue to improve my technique as well.

Stretching: 5 minutes

Total Workout Time: ~1 hour

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