
Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 5th and 6th, 2015: Reporting In

I'm a little wiped out from the last couple days of housework and family events. I did get a couple workouts in, which provided some respite from the social activities of the last couple days.

December 5, 2015 Workout

Time of workout: 3:45 PM
Warm-up: 3 minutes 
Just loosened up for a few minutes. Not the best warm-up but didn't have much time.

12 minutes AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
1. 8 Overhead Press @ 45 lbs.
2. 10 KB Swings
3. 12 Jump Rope Double Unders

Completed: 6 Rounds

This workout was a little tainted as at around 7 minutes I had to take care of something for my son, so I had a 2 minute break. I noticed my bottleneck during this workout was the Overhead press as my shoulders got burned out pretty quickly after the few couple rounds. I think this is partly due to the fact that the double unders burned the shoulders a little as well. It was a good workout though and got me breathing hard.

Stretching: 3 minutes

Total Time: ~ 20 minutes

December 6, 2015 Workout

Warm-up: 5 minutes
Loosened up and moved around. I also figured the next exercise would warm-up all of the relevant muscles.

Romanian Deadlift (RDL): 
1. 45 x 8
2. 65 x 6
3. 65 x 6
4. 65 x 6
These felt great on the hamstrings and glutes. I didn't add much more resistance because I didn't want to fatigue the hamstrings and lower back too much for the deadlifts.

1. 135 x 5
2. 135 x 5
3. 135 x 5
These felt good and powerful as well. This weight is light for me, but I'm going to ease into higher weights because I want to ensure perfect form.

1. 5
2. 4 + 1 negative rep
3. 5
Felt good overall. I think the lighter deadlifts help warm-up the back for this exercise. 

Overall, this was an  easy going workout - although the sets were hard. I gave myself probably 3-5 minutes between each set because I wanted to make sure I was rested for all of the sets. I think I can add 10 pounds to the deadlift.

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